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#incrediblehulk #hulk #thehulk #brucebanner #gamma #radiation #marvel #marvelcomics
Today's gallery addition is a retrospective look at a commission from 2017. During this period of 2017, I was at the height of my chibi demand, drawing them almost daily. This particular piece was an on-stream drawing request featuring a chibi Bruce Banner transforming into a chibi Hulk from Marvel Comics. I enjoyed playing with a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, or a werewolf style transformation. It's amusing to look back and see that the transition states between human chibi and Hulk chibi almost have normal proportions, as if the Bruce chibi form evens-out briefly before bursting into a Hulk-sized chibi again. The Bruce Banner and mid-transformation stages were probably completed together in about 10 minutes each with the full-sized Hulk chibi figure done in an additional 10 minute request.
The piece was later upgraded to a fully inked and colored artwork. It appears to have been drawn in Inkscape and then colored in Photoshop.
It was fun looking back at this older artwork, and I appreciate you taking the time to look with me!
I am available to create custom drawings for you! To get started, please fill out the Commission Quote Request Form on this site or DM me on your preferred EW platform.
I look forward to creating for you!