2022 EWG Annual Easter Egg Hunt - Has Ended!

April 15, 2022

This event has ENDED. Thank you for participating!!

The Annual EWG Easter Egg Hunt is back!

...and as of this post, has begun!! This year we're taking it up a notch!!!! There is $5 (5 min ) towards your next request or commission for every egg you find, and a total of 6 eggs hidden around this website and this website only- totaling $30 of EWG credit! You may use your accumulated credit anytime until the end of the year. So start hunting! But trust me, the EWster Bunny has not made it easy. Tell your friends because it only lasts until Tuesday 4/19 morning when I get a chance to take down the event. It has begun as of the date on this post 4/15/2016!

Happy Hunting!

Rules Of The Egg Hunt

This event has ENDED. Thank you for participating!!
-Each egg counts for $5 of request or commission money. Find all 6 for a credit of $30 you can put towards whatever you want.
- After the event your credit will be shown in the 'bank' on the ewMASTERLIST accessible by typing !list in the chat here: http://www.twitch.tv/eryckdrawz
- Egg credit can not be redeemed for actual money
- You must find the eggs in the specified time to receive the  credit.
  (each egg is accompanied by a label you can copy and paste)

- You may also take a screenshot of each egg and its label and send that in.
- You can turn in one egg, or all 6. You have 24 hours to turn in as many as you can.
- You must use the earned discount by the end of 2022. It does not carry into the new year.
- The  credit can only be used once per customer.
- The accumulated  credit can be broken up or used all at once.
- You can apply it to a friend's order, but it will be considered used and you will NOT  be able to use it again for yourself.
- If there is any reason to believe there is an attempt at fraud, Eryck Webb Graphics retains the right to deny the credit to that person  without justification.
- You must email your screenshots/ descriptions by 11:59 pm EST Monday 4/18/22 night to qualify.
- Any easter eggs turned in before this post/ launch of event will not count ( how would you even do this?! )
- If you have any questions or concerns contact Eryck Webb
- Can be used on stream requests or commissions of any kind.

This event has ENDED. Thank you for participating!!

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Design Modified and Adapted for Eryck Webb Graphics Website by Eryck Webb.