Sketchbook: Unboxing 2021 Traditional Warmup Drawing

December 29, 2020

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

#2021 #newyear #drawing #ink #pentelfudebrushpen #molotowpaintpen #ballpoint #pen #warmup #practice #sketch

A warmup drawing on some 7x10 mixed media cardstock before getting to work on a few commission/ upgrade to-dos today!

What do you hope to discover when we open up 2021?

Make your last week of 2020 a satisfactory one!

Sketchbook: A little captain cooldown

December 28, 2020


click to enlarge
#drawing #Inkscape #captain #captainamerica #steverogers #chibi #cartoon #random

A little Captain to cool down after a solid day back to work offline. Still hungover from all the rum, eggnog, christmas food, cookies etc lol. But taking it one day at a time. Have a great last week of the year everybody.

Sketchbook: Bat Crusader warmup


click to enlarge

#batman #cartoon #chibi #drawing #inkscape #warmup #sketch #dailydiscipline

Started the day with some pointy eared crusader action. Working through a Christmas dinner leftovers, rum n eggnog and cookie hangover. Have a great last week of 2020 all!

Daily Discipline: Snowman Hoverboard Drawing + Process Video

December 21, 2020


See the process video on my YouTube here:

Happy Holidays, 
Merry Christmas 
and Heres To The New Year!

Snowman Hoverboard Drawing by Eryck Webb

In Inkscape with a Wacom Intuos Pro Medium Tablet

About an 20 min work condensed into about 3 min

Music is: Twin Musicom - Canon and Variation
From the YouTube Sound Library
Support the artist:

Subscribe for weekly Drawing videos!

See you next drawing!

See you in 2021!

December 18, 2020

 Thank you for a really fun end to an epic year of drawing and streaming! I'm taking time off streaming until after the New Year! Have a wonderful safe holiday and new year and see you in 2021! All art sent! Thank you to everyone who supports me and my family! C U again soon! 

Snowhead Warmup Drawing + Process Video

December 15, 2020


#drawing #snowman #inkscape #happyholidays #christmas #winter #snow #dailysketch #warmup

Watch the process of this drawing on ewYOUTUBE here: 

Happy Holidays, 
Merry Christmas 
and Heres To The New Year!

Snowman Head Drawing by Eryck Webb

In Inkscape with a Wacom Intuos Pro Medium Tablet

About an 20 min work condensed into about 3 min

Ask questions, talk shop, request a drawing of your own, and watch Eryck Webb draw like this live, weekdays on Twitch!

Follow all things Eryck Webb by visiting

Music is: Twin Musicom - Canon and Variation
From the YouTube Sound Library
Support the artist:

Subscribe for weekly Drawing videos!

See you next drawing!

Final 2020 Stream Week Schedule

December 13, 2020

#drawing #inking #coloring #jolly #holiday #commission #request #live

Come snuggle up with a hot mug of sauce!

Christmas Elf Drawing

Happy Holidays, 
Merry Christmas 
and Heres To The New Year!

In Inkscape with a Wacom Intuos Pro Medium Tablet

About a 20 min practice/ warmup daily sketch condensed into about 5 min

Eryck Webb Graphics 11th anniversary

December 11, 2020

On this day in 2009, Eryck Webb Graphics made its first $10 dollars selling art on eBay. Thousands of commissions and requests later, 11 years has gone by. The business has evolved a lot over that time. Each year has brought its own challenges to adapt to, and grow beyond. But one thing that always stayed the same is the drawing. I love drawing and getting to do it every day for a living. Thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged this drawing dream in any way large or small. Thank you for 11 years! Here's to what lies ahead!

Celebrating Eleven Years of EWG on Drawing Request Show Tomorrow!

December 10, 2020


#drawing #special #anniversary

Don't forget guys! Tomorrow on Drawing Request Show, we're raffling off free 11min drawing requests ALL day to viewers! Come out, celebrate EWG's 11th Anniversary with me and grab a drawing! Starts at 10amEST! 

Ended The Week On A Tired, Sick and Silly Note

December 4, 2020

#naptime #drawing #mech #snowman 

 We made it through a 4 hour stream today to end the week!  I'm not really sure if it was a good stream, or a bad stream. But I had fun. Kiwi and I are gonna go get over whatever we're sick with and see the CREW on Monday! Have a great weekend! 

Warmup: Video Head Warmup

December 3, 2020


Warmed up today with a little video action. Have a good day CREW and see you tomorrow! 

#streaming #streamer #camera #video #watch #record #live  #drawing #videoman 

New on ewYOUTUBE - Eryck Inks A Busy Train Station - Time Elapsed


#drawing #trainstation #characters #public #traffic #inkscape #digitalart

Watch the elapsed process of this massive scene on Eryck Webb Graphics YOUTUBE channel here:

When a quicky sketch drawing from EWG's Drawing Request Show gets upgraded to a finished inked or inked and colored piece, it becomes a full fledged commission! This was inked without a timer, as a finished black and white inked commission with some gray shades.

Created in Inkscape with a Wacom Intuos Pro Medium Tablet

About an 1 Hour and 30 min of work condensed into about 5 min

Ask questions, talk shop, request a drawing of your own, and watch Eryck Webb draw like this live, weekdays on Twitch!

Music is: Audionautix - Roboskater
From the YouTube Sound Library

Thanks for watching! Subscribe to my YouTube channel for a new video each week!

See you next drawing!

Adobe Twists My Arm

December 2, 2020


Batching 2000+ drawings is an important feature that Adobe Photoshop is exclusively best at. Been hunting trying all kinds of diff art apps. Nothing. Exhausted all searching/ trying alternatives.

Tried getting my old Adobe Photoshop 6.0 to limp along to do what I need it to do but always crashes

Tried Krita

Tried Clip Studio Paint and EX both seperately

Looked into 3rdparty conversion software


Hello Adobe CC, nice to see you again. Ooo Photoshop CC is shiny.

Go away Lightroom!

-------- 2 Days Later -------

The new version of Clip Studio improved my issue I had with the 'continuous curve tool'. As well as some face-lifting here and there. Its use smoother and more natural to use than Photoshop. Got my PS auto batching done. Might stick with Clip Studio. Until my next book LOL

Plus ClipStudio still only cost me $50 a year ago compared to the ongoing $10 for PS. Plus I got used to the fluid intuitive use of ClipStudio I am having trouble using Photoshop now ... having trouble justifying keeping it.

---- Later that day after a work day ---- 

So ya. Sticking with Clip Studio having tried to use Photoshop again after all this time while working on Upgrades today. Except for the monopoly they have on automated batching files I really enjoy working in Clipstudio more. Especially with its new version.

Will be hunting for an alternative program/ open source program to batch automate  edit/ color convert/ size and save 100s of files in the meantime. Or just buy resintall PS for batching every 6 months then get my money back and reuninstall LOL.

Best of Request Volume 5 Has Begun


The title page, updated for Volume 5. Soon to be followed by 200 or so pages of drawings! Click to enlarge

Over 2000 drawings that will be formatted to grayscale, and whittled down to the best or favorites for the book! Click to enlarge

#book #volume #drawing #collection #artbook 

Its official, as of Dec 2nd, 2020, I have begun the preliminary stages of putting together the next drawing collection ' Best of Request Volume Five'! I want to have out within the first quarter of 2021 as much as possible!

 Onto sorting and processing all these amazing drawings from 2020!

Thank you to everyone who makes this possible!

Lots Done In The Mill To Kick Off December

December 1, 2020


Got a lot done today, and will get more done on Thursday. Calling it a night and getting some rest before a few hours of Drawing Request Show action tomorrow! But that will be fun and easy compared to the production I was working on today! All these are out, here's a look at some cropping's from today's assembly line. See you guys in the morning!

#drawing #trainstation #noir #detective #fortnite #inkscape #photoshop #clipstudiopaint #

Previously on DRS...

Come out, be entertained, request a drawing!

Mon, Wed, Fri @ 10amEasternTime

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Design Modified and Adapted for Eryck Webb Graphics Website by Eryck Webb.