#twitch #drawing #request #stream #show #crew #subs #art #inkscape #photoshop
Thank you to the CRew and all of Yew for a really really cool week. I feel like I hit some kind of stryde this week with you guys and its been great. Thank you for coming out, enjoying the upgrades and making drawing requests. Thank you for all the sauce you guys throw at me and all the draws I get to whip out for you. When the ewHOTROD art is done it will be available for purchase as a digital download like the exclusive wallpapers, and available as a print in the shop as well. Same goes for the crew picture. Thank you everyone for making this drawing dram a reality. From me, Kiwi and Wally and the Hat, have a safe night, safe weekend and we'll see you next week for more! Look for posts on ewTWITTER over the weekend and the schedule for next week post Sunday.
See you next week!
Same Drawing Time, Same Drawing Channel!
twitch.tv/eryckwebb | M-F 10amEDT