EW Twitch Stream Recap 81518

August 15, 2018

@twitchcreative @twitch #creative #drawing #hotrod #girl #ghostrider #avatar #streamer #devilmaycry @inkscape @wacom

As of this post, all art sent! Check your whispers! Thank you for a super fun day of Drawing Requests for everyone. Had a super fun 4 hour stream and got 7 badass pieces of art done. We had two giveaways and a ton of gratitude because there were a ton of people who were awesome with a ton of support! You guys are amazing. the crEW was in full effect today. Two major highlights: 1.) Drawing a Punisher - Ghost Rider request piece that I went way over board with. And even with Inkscape crashing in the middle we continued on and rocked the awesome piece. Everyone was really enjoying it, the music fit well, the piece was epic, the sauce was slinging, I was in the zone, and my favorite part... the chat spamming ewONFIRE emotes ( drawing a ghost rider piece with flaming hats being spammed... amazing... ). 2.) I got my first of the new 'multi-giftsub' support features that have come out recently. Thanks so much Merc Raider for dropping that!!

Below is a clip of a female version of a bad-ass Devil May Cry character. With epic music, everyone in it with me and also captures the Multi-Gift-Sub moment. Thanks so much everyone!!! I could not keep up with thanking all the new followers and bit cheerers and so forth today!

After some consideration I am going to stick to the plan and do upgrades tomorrow 10amET-2pmET! I will be inking and coloring as many upgrade pieces for one person each for as many people as I can. Then Friday we finish off with another epic Drawing Request Show,

See you same drawing time ( 10amET ) same drawing channel ( twitch.tv/eryckwebb ) for the next live show!!! 

Watch Highlight: [ 635 ] First Multi Sub Gifting and Female Devil May Cry Character || #drawing from EryckWebb on www.twitch.tv

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