EW Twitch Stream Recap 81318

August 13, 2018

@twitchcreates @twitch #drawing #creative #twitch #stream @Inkscape #recap @wacom 

As of this post, all art sent! drew some things today Ive never drawn before. I feel like the monster hotrod camaro is pretty original, and tried some interesting perspective on the female soldier character. Big fun doing the spider-man chibi and the mine-craft dragon. And after telling folks the story about being dive bombed by the fly I had to do a funny illustration of a giant fly attacking me. Fun stuff all around. Thank you for the incredible amount of subs, resubs, bits, hosts and donations. you guys make this dream job possible. 

All week we're doing 10am-2pmET streaming Drawing Requests Monday, Wednesday and Friday and doing Ink and Color upgrades Tuesdays and Thursdays.

See folks at the next stream, same drawing ( and inking and coloring ) time, same drawing channel!

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