EW Twitch Stream Recap 6818

June 9, 2018

#drawing #request #twitch #stream #drawing #inkscape #redemption

As of this post, all art sent! Check your whispers! Thank you so much to everyone who came out and enjoyed a surprise all-day stream. I went live 10am Eastern Time with the intent to show off the newly built Streamlabs OBS setup, and to make up for the lackluster 'foggy hash job' stream from Thursday. Ended up doing a few warmups, then we did a poll to folks who came out that morning to see if they wanted to see me do upgrades that morning or drawing requests. The votes were for drawing requests. So we did a full day of drawing request show action. This resulted in 20 awesome drawings, both from gratitude wheel and from user requests, and a fun day with wheel spins and more. 

The chroma scenes are not yet setup on this new stream platform. So were removed from the Gratitude wheel. As they are added back ( especialy new ones *wink *wink* ) they will be available as wheel wins as well. There was a bit too many wins of the INSTA 5 minutes on the Wheel of Draws, this will be dialed back. A free drawing is a free drawing. Whether its added to the end of the list or not. Look for a reduction in priority on the free drawing items.

An emphasis for the Gratitude wheel going forward will be on the items unique to this channel, such as the DoodleCam, Drawing Thats Perfect 4U and Draw School. These will also influence new chroma features going forward. As always there will be a slew of popular gratitude items to enhance your drawing request experience. Theres new items on the way too to look forward to in that realm.

Game of fate will be getting an overhaul. Select games will still be on it in true game of fate fashion. But the emphasis will now be put on the wheel ITSELF as the game of fate. with high-ticket items like tokens, free upgrades and more added to it. As well as the possibility of making it to the game of fate.... and winning nothing! ( Think Zonks and such from game shows ). 

Thanks for all the drawings. The first hour or so I was in a post-allergy medicine withdrawal fog of sorts but with your alls support and encouragement and the stream firing on all cylinders again I got through it and came out with some wicked fun drawings. Favorites being the steelers player 666, the minecraft chibi, the airplane catching infinix and the porcupine girl. 

Enjoy and see you all out every day next week for Drawing Request Show 2pmET! For a better life/ stream balance I'm going to continue this schedule going forward. Mornings will be spent finishing Best of Request Volume 2, and working on upgrades. A new effort is being put into action to finish at least one upgrade per person on the upgrades list per week. Please look forward to it. 

See you at the next show! Same Drawing time, same Drawing channel! 

**I am open to thoughts, suggestions and input from the regular viewers/ requesters/ and fans of my work and my channel. Please feel free to respond to this post below or anywhere its listed of changes/ tweaks or things you'd like to see change/ come to the channel. Heres to the approaching episode 600!**

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