EW Twitch Stream Recap 62618 - 600th DRS

June 26, 2018

@twitchcreates #twitch #drawing #illustration #request #stream 

As of this post, all art sent! 
Thanks for a super fun extended Drawing Request Show stream today! We celebrated the 600th 'Drawing Request Show' stream ( not counting other types of streams on the Eryck Webb Twitch Channel ) by doing a 6:00 hour stream! We got 14 drawing requests drawn including gratitude drawings. Folks who cheered 600 bits got a 600 second drawing request ( 10min of drawing ) added to the list or their retainers. Folks who donated $6.00 got the same. It was a fun theme all around with 600 themed items on the wheels and in the giveaways. 

Thank you for all the support. The cheers, the tips, the hosts the subs. Thank you to all the lurkers and viewers even if you never type a thing in chat. Thank you for watching the stream. 

600th Drawing Request Show Fun Stats:
- Avg. 4200 drawing requests drawn.
- 40+ Subscribers
- 25 BTTV emotes
- 3 Sub Emotes

Onto the next 600!

Drawing Request Show goes back to normal rest of the week 2pm Eastern Time. 

Same Drawing Time, Same Drawing Channel!

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