EW Stream On Hiatus Till Monday

October 12, 2017

#twitch #drawing #update 
I felt like I was leaving a lot of fans and customers hanging and wanted to do a proper post about whats going on with me this week. 

First off, I'm completely ( well within MY normal ) physically healthy and not even sick short of a bit of stuffy sinuses. Even those are at a minimum for me. My condition is of the mental and creative health variety.

Basically I am burned out. When a person is on stream six or more hours a day, five days a week, it can be a bit draining. Add putting out the best art they can, as fast as they can and couple it with making it an entertaining 'show' as well as interacting actively with the chat and the needs of the current customer's request. Do this for a few months straight. Boom, creative recharge is needed.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not whining, I'm not complaining. Love every minute of what I do and the variety of drawing requests you guys bring to the table. I was good for the past couple of months but I just burned out. Period. Only way I can describe it. I thought an easier week would help by just streaming in the afternoons 3 days this week. I really enjoyed being fresh and focusing on a 3 hour stream  Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday I attempted to do more production related stuff after finishing that day's Inktober drawing and that was a mistake. The stress from my rather large backlog, the chat bringing it up and reminding me of it and people swarming me with whispers about requests when I clearly wasn't even doing requests that morning just overwhelmed me again. None of this should have been an issue. But it was just grinding that part of me thats burnt out. So I ended the morning stream abruptly before it started effecting me on stream.

This kind of burnout usually hits me hard after i have finished a week of streaming. Not in the midst of the hype and the excitement but  usually later that night or over the weekend. And not every weekend but usually around the time a break is needed. I am sorry that I can not always give you a heads up of when I'm going to take off. It just hits me when it hits me. But I will make sure to announce whats going on more appropriately in the future so as not to leave you all in the dark.

After some time to think and some good talks with folks in my life, I am taking rest of the week off from streaming completely. I will be focusing on color guides, finishing flatted works and getting orders done before the weekend that are in their final steps.  Inktober daily drawings have been a good source of creative regeneration as well. I got my studio organized and feng shui earlier this week, which has been really nice to work in. I will be getting my plan for that DRS backlog worked out between now and when the stream returns so I can hit the ground running. There will be some changes to try to lessen some of the problems that have been bogging me down lately on stream. But DRS will go on. I want to reach 1000 followers with this machine running smooth and light as possible. I want to return to streaming next week Full Force and with all the sauce ready to go.

Thank you for all your support, all your encouragement and your excitement over this streaming/ digital art thing I do. The feedback I get from the EW community on a weekly basis is humbling and inspiring! I will return the favor with drawing the best i can for you when I return.
See you after the weekend. Same Drawing Time, Same Drawing Channel!

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