Drawing Request Show 325 Recap

October 19, 2017 0 Comments

#twitch #creative #draw #inkscape #requestshow As of this post all art is sent! Check your whispers! Please join us Thursday as Eryck will not be at Twitchcon instead will be streaming all day 10amEST - 5pmEST per normal! Today we're chilling and enjoying finishing up some upgrade colors for folks!...

DRS 324: Upgrade Show Recap

October 17, 2017 0 Comments

#twitch #photoshop #inkscape #drawing All the above art is sent! Check your whispers! Thanks to all who came out enjoyed the inks, colorguides and threw down to get their colors early! Thanks so much and today we went from 10amEST this morning, and 45minutes for lunch and then didnt get done till...

Drawing Request Show 323 Recap

October 17, 2017 0 Comments

#twitch #drawing #inkscape All art sent! Check your whispers! EW returned with a Drawing Request Show Monday 10/16/2017 after being off for a week. We got a lot of drawing done and got more to do! This week we're drawing M/ W/ F and Upgrades T/Ths! See you at the next live show. This week, 10amEST...

EW Stream On Hiatus Till Monday

October 12, 2017 0 Comments

#twitch #drawing #update  I felt like I was leaving a lot of fans and customers hanging and wanted to do a proper post about whats going on with me this week.  First off, I'm completely ( well within MY normal ) physically healthy and not even sick short of a bit of stuffy sinuses. Even...

Daily Discipline: Inktober 12 - Concrete-ture

October 12, 2017 0 Comments

#inktober #inktober2017 #digitalinks #concrete #frankenstein #labexperiment #halloween "...his peers laughed when Dr Madman proposed creating living concrete. No laughs were heard as the Concrete-ture plowed through downtown..." Inkscape, about 60 minutes with Wacom Intuos P...

Drawing Request Show 321 Recap

October 11, 2017 0 Comments

@twitchcreative @twitch #creative #inkscape #drawing #requests #twitch  As of this post, all art sent! Thanks for a fun Wednesday stream! We're officialy over the hump and its all down hill from here. We hit a tip goal today and had a giveaway and are closing in on 10 away from the 1000 follower...

Daily Discipline: Inktober 11 - Grrilla

October 11, 2017 0 Comments

#inktober #inktober2017 #digitalinks #gorilla #ape #monkey "Subject 11 would prove a challenge to get back to the lab.....

Drawing Request Show 320 Recap

October 11, 2017 0 Comments

@twitchcreates @twitch #twitchcreative #twitch #drawing #request #cartoon #comicart #characterart As of this post all art has been sent. Thanks for a fun Drawing Request Show. Look forward to doing it again today at 2pmEST! Same drawing time same drawing channel.  Only at twitch.tv/eryc...

Daily Discipline: Inktober 10 - Floating Skull

October 10, 2017 0 Comments

#inktober #inktober2017 #digitalinks #inkscape #wacomintuos  "While the others were sure to be hunted down by hanging around town, Subject 10 had his sights on the next county. His lithium batteries would be good for days..." ...

Beyond The Mill: Fly Away Leonardo, Be Free!

October 9, 2017 0 Comments

My awesome mother in law got me this cool little usb-charging Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle heliball for my birthday. ( I'm a big TMNT fan if you didnt know, and enjoy the toys. ) Fired it up today... has one indication on the box that says 'Indoor Use'. Thats it. Was very oo and aaa and really neat...

Daily Discipline: Inktober 09 - Killer Tomato

October 9, 2017 0 Comments

#createdonsurface #surfacepro #inktober#inktober2017 #digitalinks #sketchbookpro "... Dr. Madman's Lab Drones were scouring the county attempting to contain the escaped lab specimens. Subject 09 would simply be shoveled into the bushes...Killer Tomatoes just had too short a shelf life....

Daily Discipline: Inktober 08 - Wendigo

October 8, 2017 0 Comments

#wendigo #inktober #inktober2017 #traditional "...Subject 08 got himself locked in a pantry. What a fright the restraunt owner will receive when they open in the morning..." Pencil, Faber Castell bullet nib and brush pens, about 30 minu...

Running The Mill: Reverting to Inkscape .48 over .92

October 7, 2017 0 Comments

#inkscape #photoshop #olderversions #saynotoupgrades Sometimes, an old program you know like the back of your hand is better than a new 'improved' version. That's why today I reverted from 2017 Inkscape .92 back to 2010 Inkscape .48 - that version is where my heart is. That's the version that sets...

Daily Discipline: Inktober 07 - Lab Rat

October 7, 2017 0 Comments

#inktober #inktober2017 #digitalinks #sketchbookpro #createdonsurface #surfacepro4 #twitch #creative  "Subject 07s destructive power was great. But after the smoke cleared and the mechanical clunking of the amalgam wandered down the road... people still wondered... who fired first? The Rat?...

Drawing Request Show 319 Recap

October 6, 2017 0 Comments

@twitchcreates @twitch #creative #drawing #illustration #inks #inkscape #photoshop  As of this post, all art above is sent! Thank you everyone for all your support! It was a fantastic week and we're closing in on 1000 followers! Maybe it'll happen next week!? Have a fantastic night, weekend...

Daily Discipline: Inktober 06 - It

October 6, 2017 0 Comments

#inktober #inktober2017 "Subject 06 was always a hit with the ladies. It was the hair. Party in the front AND party in the back..." Inkscape, Wacom Intuos Pro Medium, 45 minut...

Drawing Request Show 318 Recap

October 5, 2017 0 Comments

#twitch #twitchcreative #drawing #request #inkscape #photoshop #digitalinks #digitalcolors #inktober #doodlemonkey #characterartmill #runofthemill As of this post, all art sent! Thank you to the acting king Hamiltoons for your generocity and fair ruling today. And big special thanks to all the...

Daily Discipline: Inktober 05 - Vampire

October 5, 2017 0 Comments

#inktober #inktober2017 #day5 #twitchcreative #twitch #creative #drawing #inkscape #digitalinks "Subject 05 attempted, unsuccessfully, to strike fear and intimidation into the hearts of the people in the near by town. He suspects it has something to do with his psychic inhibiting cranial implant...

Daily Discipline: Inktober 04 - Zombie

October 4, 2017 0 Comments

@twitchcreates #twitchcreative #creative #drawing #twitch #skeleton #zombie #inktober #inktober2017 #digitalinks "Subject 04 was deemed a flop. He was taken off life support and disposed of, but his neural enhancements kept him alive and kicking. After he walked out of the incinerator on his...

Drawing Request Show 317 Recap

October 4, 2017 0 Comments

@twitchcreates @twitch #twitch #creative #drawing As of this post, all the above art is sent! Thanks all who came out enjoyed the stream this morning. Didn't sleep great lastnight/ got up kinda early so that ontop of who knows what led to me kinda peetering out by lunchtime. Then during lunch...

Drawing Request Show 317 Recap

October 3, 2017 0 Comments

@twitchcreates @twitch #creative #twitch #drawing #illustration #characterart As of this post, all art shown has been sent! Thank you to everyone who came out enjoyed the upgrades this morning and drawings this afternoon! We got a lot done! But more still to do! Get back on them tomorrow! We also...

Daily Discipline: Inktober 03 - Blob

October 3, 2017 0 Comments

Subject 03 - The Blob Subject 03 - The Blob ( Detail ) #inktober #digitalinks #inkscape #blob #creature #halloween #mess "Subject 03 always enjoyed the fast-food the lab assistants used to sneak him. Now that he was out, he took the opportunity to head to the nearest fast-food restaurant....

Drawing Request Show 315 Recap

October 2, 2017 0 Comments

@twitchcreates @twitch #creative #stream #drawing #digitalinks #characterart All art sent! Check your whispers! Thanks for a super fun Monday DRS Inks edition. We'll be drawing tomorrow through Thursday and doing colors on Friday! I got carried away on most of these so only got about 4 pieces...

Daily Discipline: Inktober 02 - Land Fish

October 2, 2017 0 Comments

#inktober #day2  #fish #robot #marker  Subject 2 tried acclimating to his new environment by introducing himself but they never seemed to understa...

Daily Discipline: Inktober 01 - Werewolf

October 1, 2017 0 Comments

#inktober #halloween #werewolf The subjects from the Dr. Madman's lab scattered when the storm broke the containment wall. It was subject 01's ferocity and probably his fangs that instantly made him alpha of the escapees. The howling was definitely an attention getter.&nbs...

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