@twitchcreates @twitch @drawing #creative #youtube #recap
This week saw a healthy increase in new faces and unique variety of requests. Most of which were won on the gratitude wheel and were under 10 minutes. tuesday ( episode 63 ) saw the stream go well beyond its 280 follower goal so a $50 giveaway was held at the end of the week ( episode 65). Episode 63 saw the addition of new items on the Gratitude Wheel thst allowed even more supporter control overcthe stream. Episode 64 saw the introduction of new EWG character alerts which seemed to be a hit. By the time we did the giveaway on thursday we were half way to the new follow goal of 300. So heres to next week and the road to 300 followers.
Episode 63 drawings can be seen here http://www.eryckwebbgraphics.com/2016/08/drawing-request-show-episode-63-drawings.html
Episode 64 drawings can be seen here http://www.eryckwebbgraphics.com/2016/08/drawing-request-show-episode-64.html
Episode 65 drawings can be seen here http://www.eryckwebbgraphics.com/2016/09/drawing-request-show-65-recap.html
If you missed any of the streams, be sure to check out the edited recap video on EWG YouTube below. To watch the drawings, hear the original discussions, commentary and music not to mention gratitude wheel spins in real time, be sure to come out to a live stream. Follow at twitch.tv/eryckwebb!