Drawing Request Show 57-59 Recap Video

August 19, 2016

@twitchcreates #twitch #creative #draw #drawing #sketch #doodle #digitalart #requestyo

This week is the return to 'week recaps' featuring all 3 streams requests in an elapsed fashion. Had a slew of awesome and varied requests and a lot of fun. Tuesday started off with some connection issues I resolved fast enough to get a full stream going rest of the time. Wednesday was a day of wheel spins and insta wins and some new faces. Thursday the new faces continued and we inch ever closer to the next follow goal! Next week we might be doing another give away! Thanks to all who helped make this week great and see you next week for more!

Come to the live shows to see the daily giveaway, games of fate, gratitude spins and more hijinx. Not to mention interact in chat and see the drawings in real time! Follow Drawing Request Show at twitch.tv/eryckwebb

Episode 57 Drawings: http://www.eryckwebbgraphics.com/2016/08/drs-57-drawings-recap.html

Hope to see you at the next live stream! Hangout, chat it up, be entertained, and request a drawing 

Till next week keep on drawing!

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