DRS Bonus Content 62316 Recap

June 24, 2016

@twitchcreates @twitch @twitchcreative #twitch #creative #draw #art

Got 6 upgrade requests colored up and sent out tonight! They were all (except the bottom left) pre flatted by my lovely and awesome assitant Kristina. All I had to do was open them up slap shades and highlights and effects on them and call them done! So will be the format going forward, anytime I get inks, I'll do them on tuesdays and colors on thursdays during the Drawing Request Show 'BONUS CONTENT streams. A less structured art fest where its just like the day time shows but dont work on requests and the giveaway is always decided by a silly web game of some sort via the Game Of Fate wheel.  These were all a lot of fun in their own rights. 

Missed the stream? Watch it on twitch here:

Watch live video from EryckWebb on www.twitch.tv

Be sure to come out every M, W, F 2pmET and T, TH 8pmET to the live shows at twitch.tv/eryckwebb!

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