#twitch #comcast #stream #technicaldifficulties #fail #trytryagain

Will be taking the weekend to get it all straight and contact comcast/ etc etc. Next show will be Monday 6/13/16 at 2pmET! See everyone then to pickup where I left off. That little picture of bars is my actual display I took a screenshot of. Like I said one popped up desperately when I was taking a picture of my two bars. Yeah... can't run a stream with that at all. Have a good weekend everyone. Will work diligently to have it back by Monday so I can crank the arts.
I want to thank 2Dorks for your hosting, TamTam for his generous donation shortly before the stream died and Trayde for the awesome Superboy vs Superboy pic which is half drawn. I'll finish it come Monday buddy.
Thanks all!