Reflection On Previous Works

May 15, 2016

#comics #penciler #inker #colorist #comicbooks

Every once and a while I find it helpful to stop and spend some time looking at my previous published works. Takin time to remember where I've been can help me focus better on where I'm going. I break out my copies of finished comic work and study it all cover to cover. Some things I cringe at, some things I love what I was doing then and wonder why I'm not doing it now. But it's nice to look back at finished projects and realize how far I've come. These were all webcomics, interior page work and cover work that i've done since EWG was launched in December 2009.  There was a time around then I wondered if i'd ever be able to say I've been published. Now I've got all these works under my belt. It's amazing to think what the next 6-7 years has in store, and that I've barely scratched the surface of the potential :) Hopefuly, the future will also include more of my own published work as well. Who knows!?

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