EWG Drawing Request Show - Episode 04 - Recap

April 1, 2016

#drawing #pencils #characterart #twitch #twitchcreative #art

Above is the slew of awesome art requests I got. The only ones I did freestyle for myself was the megaman warmup (probably worst out of all of them lol) and I did the Funky Turtle as a thank for a donation-only contribution by the ever supportive FunkyTurtle13 - he just started streaming and I recommend following him on twitch! 

Found a format I really like, and I really enjoyed drawing in +SketchBookPro all night. Gave these drawings a little something special. Thanks so much to everyone who came out, and put in a request. There was a couple VIPs but mostly everyone got along, it didn't get competitive (always hilarious when it does though... gets insane fast haha) and everyone got their drawings. I think only once there was a line-cut train haha. 

Well fueled on Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans I jammed all night, had fun and people left with some great drawing requests. Congrats to Preventerice who won a 2 VIP giveaway towards the end of the show. He generously gave one to Lynxie, so each of them get one free drawing request on Tuesday's show next week, with no chance of being cut infront of etc. 

If you missed the stream, you can view it on EWG Twitch channel here:

And on the EWG YouTube channel soon! 

Goodnight and see folks out 7pmEST next Tuesday and Thursday for more!

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