Drawing Request Show 07 Recap

April 13, 2016

#request #drawing #stream #art #digitalart #sketchbookpro #inkscape

Drawing Request Show - Episode 7!
This was the first in a modified format, based on pro/con notes from previous weeks. And I think it was a winning formula. The participants really seemed to like it and got some awesome art for it. There is something for the folks who want some sketchy sketches, there is stuff for folks who want some finished art. And everything in between. Also the return of freebie requests with a 5 minute limit per allowed per stream (donations have priority though). Also the competative 'bidding' system has been removed and its just first come first serve. If you missed it, you can now find each episode edited and uploaded to YouTube in a shorter format! But for the live experience, be sure to come out to twitch.tv/eryckwebb every tuesday and thursday!

Enjoy the YouTube video of Episode 7!

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