Draw Request Show - Episode 3 Recap

March 29, 2016

#twitch #twitchcreative #request #draw #characterart #stream

Had an amazing episode 3 of EWG's Drawing Request Show! Oboe rained supreme w/ the requests tonight and I enjoyed drawing a new character of his 'fox' that I had not before. Did an emotional one for KingTiger and got a 'Eryck Freestyle' in of a 'tombraideresque' type chick. All in all a fun night. Not nearly the 6 hour epic that the last episode was, this one lasted from 7pmEST till 10pmEST!

At the end of the stream, did the traditional pencil drawing giveaway where I giveaway a commission-level digital pencil drawing which will happen next show! Congrats to Oboe who won that as well! Big thanks to Oboe for being the current top donator on the EWG stream and for being the biggest contributor tonight! Glad you won the giveaway, you deserve it!

Got some ideas and mods to tweak for Episode 4, see you out Thursday 7pmEST for another, Drawing Request Show!

If you missed tonight's episode, check it out on Twitch here: 

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