4 More Chibis Down - 3 to go

October 13, 2015



#chibi #commission #tekken #fightinggame #transformers #puggly

4 more chibis done! Did all 4 together on one canvas tonight on livestream but nobody came out to sit in on the session so I ended the stream after a while. I did record the process beginning to end so will probably do a YouTube video of this and the chibi I did before it at some point. Now I've got 3 left! A harley quinn chibi, a nova prime chibi and a chibi of a customers original character. I think one will be done tomorrow and the others will be done Thursday. Will stream during each session. Hope those who enjoy that kind of thing can come out see how it works, also come get an appreciation for how much goes into one of these. Night!

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