Blast Em - Practice Sketch 9.22.15

September 22, 2015

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#sketchbookpro #sketch #sketchbook #wacom #practice

Just some loose whimsical practice. Took today and rearranged my studio, set it up for some (hopefuly) optimal creative space-ness. More feng shui you might say. I think it'll lend itself to just promoting creativity more. The angle to which I'm facing now versus where the windows are and the way things are hung/ stored. I'll post some pics at some point. But wanted to test run drawing digitaly in this setup, and I think this sketch shows Its all good to go.  I also penciled on some paper on my traditional drawing board and it was nice. I'm digging the setup so far. Maybe more practical? I dunno. Time will tell. Alright have a good one. For those of you waiting on proofs and such they will begin going out normal again starting tomorrow. Just had to take a day get my shiz straight. Have a good evening!

Sketchbook Pro with Wacom Intuos 2 on Windows 7 computer - about 10 min sketch.

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