July Sale Order Status - Completion Push Back

August 12, 2015

I know everyone's looking on in fear, but the situation is just what it is. Despite my best efforts to plan and pace myself to get July Sale orders done by end of this week, I lost many days to family viewing/ funeral stuff, and ensuing other family stuff and then post-all-that exhaustion. So, the new tentative completion of all July Sale orders will be by next week, August 21st!

Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm sure in most cases it won't blow out anybodies plans. Who knows, I may get them done earlier.

Please do not email me every day asking for their progress, I will be doing them majorly in order of received, and you can view where you are in line on the EWG Order Tracking page here: 

Thank you and have them to you soon! 

Stay tuned to EWG Twitter/ Facebook/ Deviant Art for announcement of Livestreams. Currently, Livestreams will only feature July Sale orders!

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