Urgent! Support UTMNT on IndieGoGo

July 9, 2015

#tmnt #utmnt #indiegogo #support #webcomic #fancomic #ninjaturtles #teenagemutantninjaturtles

Ultimate Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or UTMNT for short, (found over at http://www.utmnt.com) is a fan-based webcomic written by Nick Arganbright and drawn by Eryck Webb.  
The reality of the situation is that doing UTMNT on the current model (everything is almost entirely out of pocket) is not economically feasible any longer and I need your help to keep UTMNT going. 

Besides creating an awesome fan-based webcomic of our favorite bipedal ninja-based terrapins, we have what we hope are some pretty neato-cheato perks !
 Read more and support the project over at  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/utmnt-issue-2#/story

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