Still On The Fence? Check Out: Avant Garde and White Peregrine - July Sale Orders Plus Process Video

July 29, 2015

September 17 Production's character from Troubleshooters, Avant Garde

Private Customer's OC, White Peregrine

Two finished July Character Art Sale orders, showing fine examples of what folks get when they purchase this sale. Penciled, Inked and Colored character depictions. Unless specificly requested, will do a more 'profile' or 'character reference style composition like these. But can do more actiony/ dynamic and sexy renditions too. 

Sale ends end of work day (around 5pmEST) tomorrow, Thursday 7/30/15! Get your orders in by then please! After that only normal priced commissions will be accepted.

For those on the fence or waiting till last minute, hope these examples plus others i've posted in previous days, and the videos of their process, will help you make your final decision and jump on this sale :) 

They will all be completed to the best of my ability by August 13th. 

Heres the EWG YouTube Channel video of these two works! Enjoy :) 

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