Flying Polar Bears and Doggy Supervisor Stand-Ins Oh My

July 10, 2015

#sketch #comic #panel #pencils #polarbear #flyingcar

Good morning, heres a little glimpse in addition to a couple small snippets I've posted around from  new Ungrounded pages in the works. Its been a busy week full of challenges and problems to solve but has ended up pretty good.

Some family medical stuff is evening out a bit for a while, giving all involved a much needed bit of rest.

My family's black lab jojo is staying with us, this is the first week since he came up with my family for the 4th. And I'd say hes adjusting well. But it has required us all to adjust a bit. But I think we found a routine that works good and meshes well with all our original routines. Great, wally has an extra help supervising me and keeping me on task now.

Getting lots of comics wrapped up this week and onto the next batches. Happy to have some graphic design work to break up the comic production a bit. Right now I'm more comic page artist than anything else.

Fighting allergies pretty heavy this week. I can't tell if its slowed down my work being on the 'non drowsy' allergy meds or helped me get in the zone faster. Eitherway, I feel like despite all the challenges this week I've still gotten a lot done.

I'm hoping to release a digital sketchbook if not a print version too, featuring the warmup sketches and practice work that served as the backbone for my work and artistic growth the last 5 years, as well as feature the original 5 year journey article kristina and i wrote for the 5 year anniversary at the beginning of the year. Look for that by end of the 3rd quarter at the latest, maybe by the 4th quarter. Just taking a while to get working on it.

Heres to a great Friday and a much needed weekend off!

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