Protecto - rough sketch

June 29, 2015

#robot #protecto #gaurdian #sketchbookmobile #samsunggalaxynote10

A sketch on the samsung galaxy note 10.1 2014 of what ended up being 'protecto', a character/gaurdian robot that formulated as i sketched. Thought it would be cool to have this big lumbering robot who just saved a girl from drowning in a lake or something all dripping wet what not. The short story or world of this one picture sort of starts telling itself the further along this sketch went. Fun stuff. I want to finish it up properly by the 30th for Artcasters theme of this month 'Robot'. Want to join a community of artists dedicating life and living to their craft, look no further than . But yeah, tossing this in the sketchbook section, hoping to make it a finished inhouse work either tonight or tomorrow!

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