EWG is GO For Steel City Con!

July 17, 2014

Its official, Eryck Webb Graphics will be in attendance to this summer's Steel City Con! The 3 day passes have been bought, confirmed and framed and hung. Look forward to checking it out. Will have new EWG biz cards, and a portfolio of my best work should there be opportunities to share it with folks.  Just walking around not getting a table or anything this year. Scoping it out as it were.

Will serve as research and creative fuel consuming all day Friday and go back to meet some of the celebrity guests on Sat. Taking the wife and her momma Sat to meet Dean Cain - I'd like to meet Levar Burton and Mini Me myself.

Supposed to be an insane amount of toys and collectibles at this show so looking forward to it.
Getting my feet wet, maybe next year setup a table do commissions.

See you soon Steel City Con!


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