Sonic May Sketch Night Preview

May 16, 2014

May's Live Sketch Night is next Wed, 5/15/14, at 8pmEST till 12pmEST.
The event is happening at the new EWG Livestream event page:
The above art was done and added to the event to preview what you get / the process that will be used during the event. You can view the 15 min video and comment/ ask questions on the event page as well.

$22 bw digitaly illustrated ink sketches (A $10 savings on regular EWG inked work!)
first come first serve. Only accepting orders during the event, no preordering. Have your one solid picture reference and $22 paypals ready! Will be +1.00 added on so total to send will be 22.00 - but will remind folks of this at the event. Can order more than one, but only one per person will be done during the event!

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