Easter Egg Hunt Over!

April 20, 2014

The first EWG website easter egg hunt has ended! Thanks to those who participated, and snagged a real good deal by hunting down the egg. Location shown above! Easiest way to get to this post was via the EWG Gallery Of Work page. The egg on this pic showed in the thumbnail large and clear. Or if you happened to navigate to this page. But the gallery was more likely.

So those folks shall enjoy the discount on their next orders. Thanks so much to those who tried to participate but faced nothing but frustration and confusion because apparently (with no pre-warning) the domain name expired lastnight. I tried my best to setup the site as blogspot.com (the domain cloaked that true url) - and hoped people would try to come back and do the hunt but alas I'm sure it killed a lot of the interest. Those who came and snagged the discount came in the first couple hours before the domain went down.

Was a fun event to have and will do it again next year with NO domain problems!

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter - back to biz as usual this week! Will be out of office majority of Monday, so any pending invoices or emails I will get back to Tuesday!

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