Tues Night Livestream - 15 Character Fury

June 19, 2013

Had a great Livestream last night. This article is a look at the process so far and a recap of lastnights session. Due to just picking an optimal time to do the LS session I moved the Wednesday Night Livestream to Tuesday this week. Had a great turnout mostly by the members of the group depicted in this featured commission. Spent the first two hours on the rough pencils/ shown first and then spent another hour to hour/half on cleaning up those pencils into fin pencils which can be seen in the picture below it. Each step was recorded in two different parts on Livestream as I had to restart in the middle during a quick coffee break. 
Enjoy the videos of working on these two steps below and will post more updates on this gigantic piece as they are available! Will be Live-streaming more of the process on this 15 character commission in days to come. But definitely next Wed/ Thurs evenings.

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Getting it all blocked in and enough details important character features to be able to tell what goes where and who is who and enough for clients to 'yay or nay' their depictions as accurate or needing tweaks.

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One by one cleaning and finalizing the pencils so that I can just ink it all up without any guess work. The front five were done first, the top right three characters were towards me getting tired and towards the end of this session and need further articulation! Also I'm sure its hard to tell but many areas are also initial planning for special effects/ lighting. This is where the roadmap for the inks and colors is drawn out. Literaly. Enjoy the rough pencils video below, then there was a 15 min 'coffee, poop the dog and fix the wacom that suddenly decided to flake out on me' break. Then below that is the video of finishing up the finished pencils above.

Enjoy this article of the work in progress commission process and will add more as I go!

Watch live streaming video from eryckwebbgraphicsart at livestream.com

Watch live streaming video from eryckwebbgraphicsart at livestream.com

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