End Of Week Note - New Setup Portrait Style Baby

April 26, 2013

Alrighty, got a new setup, heres a screenshot the white space is non existent, but i have portrait oriented monitor for my drawing space on left and on the right my horizontal dual monitor for palettes/ livestream window etc. Playing with doing full verticle livestream versus cropped horizontal, the cropped horizontal worked better. It'll only show a horizontal cropping of my work space but loving working verticle, everythings huge and way easier to work with now that i have the wacom / resolution mapping better and acting like it would if it was horizontal and still works great on livestream nights. Anywho. I'm digging it. Next is to setup my buttons on the wacom so I dont even need the keyboard and I can work fluid without worrying about the keyboard shortcuts. Stream lining/ adjusting for bigger better approach to the art. Well, who knows. May end up hating it and going back to verticle. But will try this out next week. I think its going to be good though. Have a fantastic weekend with friends family and/or loved ones and see you next week to tear up some new art. I can't believe May is on its way already. That being said, I promised a couple people to be all caught up or done by May 1st, and damnit I'm going to be! Count on it!

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