Monster Girl and Daimyo - Christmas Commissions Finished Up

December 18, 2012

Got these two wrapped up tonight, never really drawn a samurai guy before but fan of plenty of shows/ etc that have them so I know the drill :) Badass lightning fast draw... all that. And some cool shehulk-esque dragon girly, the challenge was make her armor-ish and scaley and keep her smexy. And super cut muscular style :) Check check check. Enjoy, for now only posting them on EWG website... will slowly add new stuff to the Deviant Art gallery as I go!

Thanks for lookin :) Was planning on posting the livestream session and what not, but must have pressed the wrong button when saving or something, I'm not seeing it available ... damn! Well, these two characters took me about 3 hours start to finish (800ish-1100ish) - were a lotta fun. Heres a sketch of the work in progress below:

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