Indigo vs Black Hand

November 9, 2012

Finished up this two piece commission of Indigo-1 vs Black Hand, with the two characters seemingly squaring off. Perhaps the last in this series of green lantern commissions, perhaps not. But others in this series were green lantern vs sinestro, kilawog vs atrocitus, etc. Indigo is pretty cool design wise enjoyed rendering her especially with the staff and all that. Fun stuff! They are broken into two separate commissions but also gave the customer a version with them combined like this. Heres a look at the pencils, I didn't take them very far in 'finishing' them, and then the finished inks that these colors are layed upon.

Loose but clean pencils
Finished inks, with many elements added in at this stage

Also posted on deviant art here

I wanted to do more of it on live-stream but was not able to, but did get some flatting done on live-stream  Heres the video:

Watch live streaming video from eryckwebbgraphicsart at

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