Retooling the toolshed

October 17, 2012

As EWG re-lights the fires and recovers from stubbed toes from kicking the tires... I want to announce a reinforced mission statement and after much researching and planning have found an going product structure that will mean better quality for customers private and commercial, and allow me to push the envelope and really try to make my work the best it can be with each new order. All prices are based on time to complete and time needed to make each order a quality work of its own. Heres an excerpt from the original post on Deviant Art which I believe spells it out the best.

"Welcome to EWG - The new EWG price list features a handful of services EWG excels at and his happy to knock out of the park for your creative needs. EWG's ongoing effort to take the quality and innovation of these products to new levels remains true as the business undergoes a few changes here and there. Most notably will be prices, no longer undercutting time and quality with quantity. These regular ongoing prices will guarantee everything from pose options, more proofs along the way and overall quality guarantee. Give it a chance and you'll see the difference in the end product. Now more than ever the ongoing mission of EWG is to blow away customers with my best quality, while still giving outstanding turnaround, and worrying less about quantity. All prices are based on times to complete and times required to achieve that premium level of quality, and to put the best I can into every order. Thank you in advance for your business! What Can EWG Create For You?"

New format, new direction. Same EWG goodness. Just hopefuly, as customers and fans will see, a whole nother level. Thanks for sticking with me and look forward to knockin em out of the park one by one.

This effects all orders as of 10/17, all pending orders will have their prices honored but the new quality goal will be reflected in these works as much as possible while staying within budget of each project. Ongoing clients will still have prices honored on some items but not all. Email me at with any questions or concerns. Thank you!

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