Anime Fan Girl Process Case Study

October 30, 2012 0 Comments

Finally got this commission done for the folks over at Gobble-Con. I'm very honored and excited to be creating their convention program cover art and feel bad it took as long as it did to get it done. But I believe I slid it to them early enough to the deadline to send off to printer that if...

EWG Nov 2012 Pricelist

October 23, 2012 0 Comments

New release, the November 2012 EWG Pricelist. Simplified, easy to understand, and well designed :) See the original post on deviant art by clicking the above image. Effective till December. What Can EWG Create For YO...

Daily Sketch - 102312 - Spiderman

October 23, 2012 0 Comments

Yeah I'll admit this is pretty rough/loose. But then again thats kind of the point of a morning Warmup sketch... gettin that hand loosened up so that the daily work load comes out better. Goal acheived perhap...

Retooling the toolshed

October 17, 2012 0 Comments

As EWG re-lights the fires and recovers from stubbed toes from kicking the tires... I want to announce a reinforced mission statement and after much researching and planning have found an going product structure that will mean better quality for customers private and commercial, and allow me to push the envelope and really try to make my work the best...

LMB at #5 on Amazon Graphic Novel Downloads

October 17, 2012 0 Comments

Pleased to announce that Lake Michigan Blues, though offered for free download, is now shown at No. 5 in Amazon Kindle top downloads for Graphic Novels. That's pretty exciting considering following its initial launch it didn't seem to get a whole lot of attention at all. Now at No.5, it should be...

Happy Halloween from EWG

October 15, 2012 0 Comments

Proud to announce the launch of the EWG 2012 Halloween theme that will be in effect across all EWG websites for the rest of October. EWG's mascot "dEWd" gets the undead treatment and so does the logo hes based on. Hope comic art fans and design fans alike dig this new look. The biggest change is...

Steam Engines Firing Soon

October 9, 2012 0 Comments

Everything and every body's orders have been on hold because of my wife and i moving/ medical appointment crazyness but the ol' steam engines at EWG will fire again very soon! Very Very Sorry for the inconvenience and mega delays on orders but I'll be knocking them out very soon. Count on ...

Phasers to maximum, Maintaining same programming

October 3, 2012 0 Comments

The plan for the foreseeable operation of EWG is to phase out the slot commissions for a good while, at least until all work is caught up and on schedule. Too often all that gets done in a day is that day's slot orders, and that takes away from the premium clients that so graciously provide work for me and are willing to pay for the quality work offered...

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